A visit to Glen Canyon Dam in Page, Arizona few years back changed my pristine imagery of Colorado River flowing through the Grand Canyon.
It took some time to digest the fact that the river that helped create one of the greatest landscapes out there is human controlled from this (Glen Canyon) point on for the past 50+ years; with the United States Bureau of Reclamation determining how much of the river flows into the Grand Canyon and beyond, and how much stays behind in the man made Lake Powell reservoir that fills the Glen Canyon. It was interesting to read that from 2000 through 2009 inflow to Lake Powell was down by one-third and this is in line with climate change model predictions of a 14-22 percent decline in the flow of the river. That 14 percent adds up to half of California's annual water intake from Colorado river. Between 1999 and 2005, the Lake Powell reservoir lost two-thirds of its volume due to evaporation and seepage losses. Water promises to be the blue gold of the future.
3/13/2014 09:08:36 pm
Congratulations for the excellent photography Comments are closed.